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  1. Manufactured in the UK Supply & Distribute Worldwide
  2. Huge Stock Levels Maintained & Ready To Ship
  3. Extensive Product Portfolio Sign Vinyl, Digital & Accessories
  4. Technical Leadership Performance You Can Trust


The Sustainable Materials Company.

Metamark’s sustainability goal is to reduce our environmental footprint as far as is practically possible. Care of the environment is everybody’s responsibility and we take our share seriously. That responsibility impacts all our business activities and drives our planning and decisions. 

What Are We Doing To Achieve This?

Our day-to-day business activities, decision-making, innovation and planning are guided by a formal strategy that puts ESG at the core of Metamark’s business. We make our products using sustainable raw materials wherever possible. Our product design minimises raw material usage. We operate an energy-efficient plant and maximise the yield from every resource we consume and we are recovering the heat used in our processes. We cultivate a culture that prioritises our responsibility toward the environment, through training and continual review. We innovate to keep valuable resources in the economy, helping our customers meet their environmental goals. Metamark has been awarded with an EcoVadis sustainability rating, and we are ISO Accredited to ISO 14001, 9001, 45001 & 50001.



ISO Accredited

Like you, we put care of the environment front and centre. We are ISO 14001, 9001, 45001 & 50001 accredited. Our innovation delivers materials that support recycling options at the end of their lives. More of our power needs are met by renewable resources than ever before.

EcoVadis Sustainability Rating

We are extremely proud to have been awarded a medal by EcoVadis, placing us among the top 35% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the past 12 months. The Sustainability Rating from EcoVadis provides a detailed assessment of a company's sustainability performance in areas such as Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.


Sustainable Raw Materials.

Metamark’s supply chain works with industry bodies committed to delivering raw materials on a sustainable basis avoiding hazardous materials and operating in full compliance with REACH and RoHS legislation. In addition to delivering recyclable products to the end user, we are progressing toward making Metamark carbon-neutral.

Zero-To-Landfill. Best In Class Efficiencies.

Metamark is a manufacturer and its production facility is making progress toward Zero-To-Landfill operation. We are managing single-use plastics out of our business. Our production processes today produce little waste that can’t be recycled into useful articles that can themselves be recycled time and time again.


All manufacturing VOCs removed

Our manufacturing process operates under strict environmental governance. It is registered with the UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR),  an environmental database of potentially hazardous chemical substances and/or pollutants released to air, water and soil, and transferred off-site for treatment or disposal. All VOCs produced during the manufacturing process are removed using Regenerative Thermal Oxidisers (RTO).

Energy Efficient Manufacturing.

We have invested to create an energy efficient manufacturing process. Solar panels at our production plant achieve a weighted average solar generation of approximately 40% of our total electricity demand. Our Regenerative Thermal Oxidisers (RTO) are self-maintaining when in operation requiring no external energy.


Recycling for Vinyl Liveries and Graphics.

MetaStream® is an independently audited recycling1 initiative that allows recovery of production waste and end-user products produced using qualified Metamark products, turning them into useful articles that can themselves be recycled multiple times2. This recycling initiative has far-reaching scope for application keeping valuable resources out of landfill and incineration streams and helping work towards more environmentally responsible operation and growth of the signage, graphics and allied industries. 

MetaStream® is currently only available in the UK.

1: Process audited by RSK Geosciences

2: In the first round of recycling, approximately 80-85% of the combined weight of the MetaStream® product is recovered. The PVC element is potentially recyclable up to 7 times; the liner up to 6 times and the polyethylene coating up to 10 times

Calculate your landfill saving with MetaStream Ready™ products