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The Grange University Hospital is something that South Wales has been waiting a while for but the newly built, state-of-the-art facility is open now and begins admitting patients from mid November 2020. 

Hospitals are there to help ill people get better and the idea that surrounding patients with a pleasing environment is long recognised as making a critical contribution to wellbeing. With that in mind, the new hospital has personnel dedicated to the development and maintenance of the facility’s ambient décor and its continuing improvement. Even before the hospital opened its doors, the role was having a positive impact.

Not far away from the new hospital, in Caerphilly in fact, Gary Bagstaff and his team run Print Sauce. It would not be misplaced to think of Print Sauce as a signs and graphics producer, but the company has established itself a reputation in working with health authorities and is no stranger at all to the needs of provisioning signs and graphics to large, complex facilities. Working with creatives and managing very complex and highly detailed projects is something that the team at Print Sauce does well and there are numerous health facilities in the region improved with examples of its work.

Print Sauce was contacted by the Grange University Hospital and its agents wanting to explore options in terms where, how and whether some of the designs the were proposing to use could be deployed. Gary Bagstaff was able to demonstrate a range of application possibilities to the hospital’s team and Print Sauce was awarded the job of printing and installing them.

The work is likely to continue for a while but the initial phases have seen Print Sauce’s work gracing the walls at the Grange and achieving the grand-scale space transformation that applied murals are known for. Metamark MD5-H got the production team’s vote in terms of the material used and fully lived up to the expectations it had set in numerous other projects that Print Sauce has used it for.

Acres of magnolia emulsion painted surfaces were at one time very stark reflections of the sterile hospital environment and must have powerfully imprinted on visitors and patients alike. The feel-good factor promoted by the deployment of sensitively considered ambient décor makes a hospital visit for whatever reason a little less daunting. The Grange University Hospital is as modern a care facility as it’s possible to find in the UK. Thanks to Print Sauce and its work, it’s among the most attractive too.

In Action
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