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Dyson Signs’ work is keeping Rotherham Interchange working efficiently. Does anyone notice?


Rotherham Interchange is a busy bus station in Rotherham town’s centre with about twenty five bus stands handling incoming and outgoing transport movements. It services the local area and also including connections to the nearby national rail network. As might be imagined, it’s a very busy place.


Major infrastructure locations, like Rotherham Interchange, are complex places to manage, at many levels. Few who visit do so for any reason other than to get somewhere else and making sure they know the ‘how, where and when’ behind their journey is a job in and of itself.


Facilities management specialists typically deliver the expertise needed to make such hubs work and, among the responsibilities they shoulder, is making sure signage is doing it job. That means the required brand must be faithfully projected, wayfinding must be legible and accurate, and ambient graphics must be well made and installed. Let’s not forget the need for statutory and safety signage either.


Such signage needs a plan primarily, and someone capable of executing it is of equal importance. The facilities management team responsible for Rotherham Interchange found the capability they needed to engage nearby, and so the phone rang at Sheffield based Dyson Signs.


Dyson Signs’ work has a pretty high profile in Sheffield and further afield and the company has a great reputation for its project management skills in addition to its expertise as a sign designer, manufacturer and installation specialist.


The job the Interchange’s specialists handed to Adam Dyson and his team at Dyson Signs was ‘expansive’ to say the least. In the primary phase of the signage plan, over 1000 signs would need to be produced and installed. Disciplines included branding, wayfinding, glazing manifestation and lots of ambient signage to name a few.


Projects on such a scale ultimately render down to lots of much smaller pieces of work and the best way to eat them is a bite at a time. That said, the meal is going to be a big one no matter how it’s carved. Dyson Signs’ team was to become very familiar with the Rotherham Interchange in the coming months but, in characteristic fashion, got its arms around the project quickly.


Phones were ringing at Metamark too as the Dyson Signs team called in the materials needed to deliver the project. Metamark Etch Effect Films suddenly took a big uptick but Metamark had the stock to cope and the project’s cut-and-applied work was trusted to Metamark M7, Metamark’s coloured flagship SignVinyl. The Dyson Signs team turned to Metamark MD5 for the project’s print requirement and the results speak brilliantly for the team’s printing expertise and the material.


Jobs like Rotherham Interchange never get finished in the true sense of the expression. There’s always something that needs adding, amending or replacing. So that’s what happens. Meantime, people come and go. They visit a very nicely presented bus station and use the information that’s never further than a glance away to get them where they want to be. It all just works. Dyson Signs’ work at Rotherham Interchange is relied upon by thousands - whether they actually notice it, that’s another conversation.

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